Who are "The Proptech Connection"?

Published on
March 6, 2024
June 7, 2023

Who are “The Proptech Connection”?

With offices in Sydney (HQ), Bangkok, Amsterdam and Chicago, The Proptech Connection ("The PTC") is the world's only global Proptech advisory specialist. We specialize in helping real estate companies and CVCs benchmark and access the leading technologies globally, leveraging our global position to give insights into macro trends and also support strategies for adoption or deployment.  


Technology sourcing is not about tech, it is about use-case applicability. We have mapped 1000+ real estate Use Cases, aligned to 600+ Tech Types, and serviced 18,000+ Proptechs. Our process of sourcing, using refinement mapping, quickly funnels the complexity of offerings, and accelerates the search through the many, to the few, to the ONE...

The Proptech Connection is dedicated to the world of property-related technologies and innovations.

-For Real Estate companies to source the right technologies for their business.

-For VCs and CVCs to help understand and invest in technologies that match their portfolio aspirations.

-For Proptechs to position themselves in the market so that their value is understood and translatable to business.

The PTC’s reach is global, and with over 18,000 Proptechs within our sourcing network, they have the insights and the perspective to bring the best solution for every property use case.

The PTC in #s:

• Largest database of global Proptech’s (18,000+) with 2,700+ founders interviewed or companies assessed from a potential investment lens.

• 100,000+ people in the PTC network. Globally situated with Real estate, Technology, or Investment lens

• Extensive global Investor + Tech Buyer network of decision-makers within the converging worlds of Proptech, Cleantech and Urbantech

• Proptech’s largest LinkedIn Newsletter following (25,000+).

Keynotes +presentations:

• World Economic Forum (April 2022 NYC)

• Realcomm(July 2022 Orlando): 150+ CIOs/CTOs global leading real estate companies

• Keynotes at ULI events • Guest lectures Harvard + MIT

With the advent of Proptech, and its various monetization possibilities, many sourcing aggregation companies have emerged. By comparison, The PTC’s clear point of distinction is in the granularity of our mapping process and in our extensive repository of global Proptech insights, informed by the world’s largest network of Proptechs.

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