Live Proptech insights + data by the PTC II

Published on
March 6, 2024
January 26, 2023

Our team at the PTC is sharing weekly "fun facts" about the Real Estate + Proptech + Investment industry. Our team at The Proptech Connection is constantly in the Proptech market, with all sides in solving their problems. Here's a few summarized...

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Number 5:

Some recent news illustrates the challenges in meeting Corporate ESG commitments.

Vanguard has just announced quitting the Net zero climate alliance- NZAM. An alliance that had committed to net zero by 2050. It has >$7tn of AUM, which is a significant blow to NZAM.

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Agree to Disagree

Number 6:

The recently ended tv show Neighbors was a sad day for many. For 40 years, the families of Ramsay St graced TV screens across the world.

Fear not, neighborly bonhomie is alive + well in France. The 14th arrondissement is actively pursuing a super neighbors policy where all residents are encouraged to say "bonjour" to each other whenever they pass. Further to this, the 15k residents regularly host mass street parties of up to 650 people.

It has been in action for 5 years but highlights a # of concepts we are seeing in the mixed-use world: asset repurposing, a greater sense of CX + the need for design to incorporate a greater demand for human interaction.

Many Proptechs are tackling these concepts, and what is interesting is that areas like LATAM are further forward in components of this.

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Number 7:

We are seeing many enter the short-term asset use space, with many targeting the capture of the millennial/digital nomad market via their own marketplaces.

What is clear is that there is a clear visibility of those who are leading the race. Given the scale of the incumbents, we anticipate M+A in the space from the leading challengers + consolidation of their place as those most likely to move from being a challenger to an established player.

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Profits + Expenses

Number 8:

One of the biggest areas we work with our clients is the need to have consensus on the use case. We cite the example of residential as a sector with a myriad of sub-sectors where the tech need is very different dependent on the application. We have identified over 15 different residential sub-sectors + further 30 components below this.

To find out further how we can work together + help build out your offering for your target client types, bringing in our extensive knowledge of real estate, major tech buyers and the global markets, reach out today.

Number 9:

If opportunity doesn't knock, then build a door is a well-travelled phrase. Well, perhaps it can be updated to build an apartment rather than a door.

We at the PTC have said for a while that Grade B + C asset owners are going to be the ones most impacted by the new working world. This is beginning to play out + recent zoning changes are making this easier in New York.

Challenges around floor plates/toilets/windows/lifts aren't easy to overcome, but as we are seeing in other parts of the world, these changes could radically alter how we activate spaces + embrace mixed-use sites.

Maybe this is what Elon Twitter was thinking with the recent news that he has converted offices at Twitter HQ into makeshift bedrooms for his "Project Hardcore". Not sure his staff will agree, but maybe he will argue he is just ahead of the curve …

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Retired Early

In contrast, the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund has announced it will vote against boards that don't have net-zero targets. The fund has >$1tn of assets.

For more insights or to partner with us to get market access to the largest Proptech network globally contact us!

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